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Qr-ticket scanning with the Easydus Scanning-app
Organize tickets and badges in Easydus
Organize tickets and badges in Easydus

QR Ticketing with Easydus

In Easydus you can easily create tickets in various formats, with or without QR codes. For (paid) admission tickets, badges, participant passes or logistical papers. QR codes can be scanned with the Easydus Scanner, which can be found in the Android and iTunes App stores. In addition to a good check, you also have a real-time overview of who has already arrived or who has already collected his package. Badges or other documents can also be printed (automatically) upon arrival of guests at the desk.

Easydus app in Google Play store Already a customer? Download now the Easydus scanner App on your Android or IOS smartphone Easydus app in Apple appstore

Examples of documents you can create,
with or without scanning of QR codes

In your Easydus tool environment you can design and generate your ticket or personal document, with or without a QR code. Entirely in your own personal style.
Sending tickets
The visitor receives the ticket by (automatic) mail, for example immediately after making an iDEAL payment or shortly before the start of the event.
(Multi-) Scanning
Scan the QR code with the free Easydus Scanning App. Check on the validity of the ticket or voucher, all relevant info on the app. Direct processing in Easydus overviews.
After scanning or personal reception at your event, the printer can immediately print a badge or ticket, with or without the individual program of the participant.
Realtime overviews
Seeing real-time who is inside the event location and who is not. Overviews are available within Easydus system itself or via a link to a real-time overview that can be published. Extensive search and filtering functions


Easydus Scanning app
Easydus Scanning app


Multi Scanning

Easydus Scanning app
Easydus Scanning app Easydus Scanning app Easydus Scanning app
Organize tickets and badges in Easydus


Real-time overviews

Easydus Scanning app
Easydus app in Google Play store Already a customer? Download now the Easydus scanner on your Android or IoS device Easydus app in Apple appstore

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