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Creating all types of webforms
with software of Easydus

With Easydus software you have a powerful, flexible software tool to create, design and customize any type of webform. You have all kinds of tools to create webforms. Easydus goes much further than many regular web form tools such as Google forms. With Easydus you can not only create web forms, but also all kinds of automatic actions, such as automatically sending e-mails, automatically creating and sending (contract or quotation) documents, automatically editing data and follow-up actions such as making assessments with the data from the web forms. For example, you can set up a subsidy application process, orders, logistics processes, maintenance processes, complaint handling processes, lead follow-up processes and all kinds of other processes that require multiple steps. After registration you can automatically send a confirmation e-mail sent to an applicant and you can then process the application internally digitally and only in one system. You can also automatically send documents and online payment requests to the applicant. With Easydus you therefore have a whole backend system behind the web forms where you can perform all kinds of follow-up actions. You can integrate your web form on your own website. By way of illustration and not exhaustive, the following different web forms can be designed: order forms, request forms, registration forms, contact forms, donation and evaluation forms, etc. then cannot automatically follow up. With Easydus you can create your own overviews of all incoming registrations and follow them up with e-mails. An example is an automatic personal e-mail confirmation with a payment link, sending a personal document. assessing an application, sending an invoice or handling the registration within the organization by the right people. You can also make these web forms available as a WebApp that users can then use on their own smartphone. An example of this application is time registration or filing declaration. With Easydus you build your own administrative process behind the web form within one system instead of different systems.Last, but not least, within Easydus your data is secured and GDPR compliant.

Webform features

Automate your own administrative processs

Automate your own process

You can automate your own administration with Easydus. This process is fully in line with your own organizational needs. This starts, for example, with filling in a web form by an internal or external applicant. An automatic confirmation email can be generated. A notify mail can also be sent to the person in your organization. This person or more people in your organization can then take a follow-up action and handle the application. Communication to the applicant can then be done with, for example, approval or rejection. Subsequently, a contract / quotation or invoice can be sent depending on your wishes. The foregoing is just an example of what is possible. Contact Easydus for the options for your own administrative process.

Webforms for ordering

Customers can submit an order for your product or services. With the option of automatic confirmation of the order. If you wish, there is a payment option and an option for automatic creating and sending of an invoice.

easydus webforms for ordering
easydus donatie formulieren

Donation webforms

Charities can integrate a donation form on their website. Also suitable for e-mail campaigns. Donors can register or donate directly via online payment. Donors can immediately receive confirmation of their donation.

Contact webforms

You can design the contact webform for your own website. Contact webforms can be used for various purposes: Lead Generation web forms, Complaints web forms, Information request web forms, etc. These contact requests can then be immediately followed up with (automatic) e-mails.

easydus contact webforms
easydus aanvraag formulieren

Request webforms

Examples are subsidy application, permit application, information application forms. The advantage with Easydus is that you can carry out the follow-up actions such as assessing the applications based on established criteria and feeding back the application within Easydus itself without having to manually re-enter data in other systems.

Evaluation and survey webforms

You want to send an evaluation or a survey for a variety of reasons. An evaluation about a product, service, employee satisfaction, workshop, conference, event, etc. With Easydus you design your own survey or evaluation webform. The survey or evaluation may or may not be anonymous. All kinds of overviews can be created from the data of the survey and exported to, for example, a .csv or .xsl file

survey webforms
easydus registration webforms

Visitor registration webforms

You want to register your participants for a meeting, workshop event. Or you want to register new members for your association. Or do you want a visitor system or Corona registration system for your visitors? This is easy with Easydus web forms. With this you can follow the registrations in real time and also follow up with an email. For example, you can send reminders for registration or invoices for no shows. You can also send an evaluation afterwards.

Survey webforms

You can send out a survey webfrom various departments such as Marketing, HR or Purchasing. An survey of a product, service, employee satisfaction, workshop, conference, event, etc. With Easydus you can design your own survey webform, which can be filled in anonymously or not. From the data of the survey webform, all kinds of overviews can be created and exported to, for example, a .csv or .xsl file

easydus survey webforms

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