What solutions does Easydus offer and what makes us unique?
Automate all your processes
With Easydus you save time and costs by digitizing and automating all manual and error-prone administrative processes and replacing the use of Excel lists, paper- or pdf form flows. For all type of organisations, situations, (sub) processes and use cases.
Fill in your specific requirements and adjust yourself
With Easydus you fill in your specific requirements which do not fit in standard or custom made ICT systems. Besides you can adapt the process without relevant ICT knowledge and data fields yourself and without being dependend on a software supplier or your ICT department.
Use less ICT systems
In stead of using many separate ICT systems which are not aligned and work together (for example: registrations, e-mail, document registration, database, payments, invoicing, Excel), with Easydus you only use one integrated ICT system.
Integrate with your own website and existing systems
Easydus Webforms can be easily integrated with your own website and besides you can create your own administrative WebApps. Examples and use cases are: registrations, ordering, contactforms, applications and realtime overview of all kind of information. Easydus can also be integrated with your CRM, bookkeeping software or any other ICT system